Saturday, October 16, 2010


Yep it has been a while and sad to say this post is mostly for me. I have been in a funk this week and need to get out of it. I am hoping that if I list the things that are bugging me and then the things that I am thankful for I will be able to put things into perspective! So here goes!

Deciding that....
Depression is just a part of my life and I have to take it 1 day at a time.
Feeling like the family maid is not for me.
Children are messy and slightly selfish by nature. (Husbands too sometimes)
I have too many responsibilities.
I hate being overweight.
Summer needs to be a little shorter and a little less hot!
Cleaning toilets is an AWEFUL chore (good thing we only have 1 boy)
Kids that talk back and argue with their parents need a little lesson in history.

Now that I have purged myself of some of my woes I shall review my blessings and hopefully I can stop feeling sorry for myself and get on with life;)

Depression keeps me relying on my Heavenly Father.
Depression humbles me.
Having a clean home relaxes me.
Having responsibilities makes me feel needed and wanted.
I am very seldom bored.
I am overweight because I have children (who keep me laughing).
I love to run and am blessed to have 2 healthy legs.
I love fruits that are in season during summer.
Canning peaches with my husband until 3 in the morning is a fun memory.
I love watching my kids swim.
Summer reminds me of my Grandparents and my youth.
Sorry, nothing good to say about cleaning toilets! I still think it is aweful!!
Oh!! Indoor plumbing!! There you go!
Love listening to the funny things my kids say.
I have a husband that works so very hard.
We have a comfortable home.
Parents who love me.
Eyes to read with.
A sense of smell to enjoy citrus blossoms.
Arms to give lovin's.
I am able to have children.
A husband who puts up with my moods and whims and loves me anyways!
Music! Music! Music!
I have a piano in my home.
Sewing during the Autumn makes me excited for the holidays.
Healthy home. No major sicknesses.
Awesome friends.
My little girls lisp:)

I am sure there are many more:) Thanks for indulging me on this journey! I shall now turn the music up and dance while I clean!!

P.S. Babies who turn off computers in the middle of a post are stinkers and need to be tickled!


Emily Ruth said...

I love, love, LOVE this post! Thank you for your honesty. Especially since everything you listed exists in my world as well-- the grievances and blessings.
Deep breath.

Teanne said...

That is such a good idea to look at the positive side of all the hard times. I think most mom's could relate- so at least you are not alone. It was fun to read your lists! And nice to have the positive thoughts too... I like the indoor plumbing one! I would much rather clean a toilet then use an outhouse! haha