Monday, August 31, 2009

Chomping at the bit

This baby girl is a little too anxious to get here (not that i'm not to anxious as well!). Thursday I started contracting at about noon. They were 3-4 minutes apart and 30-45 seconds long. I was within an inch of heading to the hospital when they finally calmed down at about midnight. So in bed I have been and there I have stayed until today. I will be 36 weeks as of tomorrow which is when my doc says things have a good chance of turning out well. As of last Monday he thought she was about 6 pounds. I have another appointment this afternoon and I'm hoping for good news. I'm hoping that all these contractions are doing something!

I have been doing a lot of reading up on child birth, go figure I finally start reading up on it when I'm pregnant with my 4th baby! I have found that I have an exceptional doctor! I've read all of the negative aspects to delivering in a hospital with an OB and realize that my doctor doesn't do any of the things that would deter from a hospital birth. When I told him I want to have this baby naturally he told me he would love that and he thinks I can do it. He always puts the baby right on my tummy after birth and if the cord is long enough the baby goes right to feeding. He doesn't do epesiotomies unless absolutely necessary. He told me I don't have to have an IV if I don't want one. He listens to me. Last week I asked him if he was going to do the strep B test at that visit and he said he would probably wait a week. I reminded him that with my last baby the test results didn't come back in time and he said lets go ahead and do it then. When we were leaving he told me that was a good call on doing the strep B test early! When I had my miscarriages he sat down with me in an unscheduled visit and talked me through things and then just let me cry like I was his only patient. I have always liked my doctor but I'm just now realizing what a gem he really is. Between my reading, Drew's support, and my doctor's encouraging attitude I feel a great deal of confidence going into this labor and know that I can succeed in doing this the way I want to.

Long story short! The bags are packed and we are meeting with both my parents and Drew's parents tonight to make tenative plans for the kids when I do go into labor. I can not wait to see what this little girl looks like!!


Nicole said...

Samantha we are so excited for your arrival! My girl, you are amazing! So close! You are truly blessed with your Dr. Love you!

Tiffany Haynes said...

Good luck. Hope everything goes well.