Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Nothing very exciting has happened lately hence the lack of blogging. Summer vacation is coming to an end and the kids are getting so bored! Yesterday they were up by 6:00AM had eaten and done their chores by 7:00AM. By 8 they had already gone swimming in the back yard, blew bubbles, and eaten otter pops. We had a serious problem on our hands! Luckly my mom rescued us and treated us to a trip to Costco. We walked around for a bit, ate some samples, and then she even bought us lunch! It was nice to get out of the house.

My goal of having the girls' room done before school starts is in sight. All that needs to be done is the chair rail and pictures on the walls!

The kids get to meet their teachers on Monday and I have yet another doctor's appointment later that evening. Tuesday comes the long awaited start of school. Porter keeps telling me he can't wait to do math and history. Avonell asks me everyday if tomorrow is a school day. She is so excited to wear her new school clothes. We have started our school schedule this week so that there will be less of an adjustment. I honestly think Becca and I will have the biggest adjustment!

Poor Becca she's going to be without her best buddies all day and have a new sibling to contend with! I'm excited to get to spend some quality time with just her for a couple of weeks at least. She keeps trying to sit on my lap and there is just no room left. She says "Mantha Jane is taking all the spots?". She's also very thrilled about her "purple nerkins" (purple curtains) that I finally put up today. "You working on my purple nerkins mommy?" "I sure am princess!"

That's about it! Pretty exciting huh? Next week will be way more exciting with back to school pictures and stories to tell. Maybe even a few of all the work we have done on the rooms!!


Unknown said...

It's good to hear you're hanging in there. Good for you for finishing the girls room!

Teanne said...

Sweet little Becca. I love her little comments about "Mantha Jane taking all the spots" That is so cute! I can just picture her little voice as she says it too.
You are such a good mommy. Becca is going to love that one and one time with you before the baby comes.
Let me know if I can do anything.