Friday, February 25, 2011


We're having a BOY, we're having a BOY! (You can't see me but I am doing my touchdown dance;) Went to the doc yesterday and he is 90% sure this one is a boy! We have the big ultrasound in 3 weeks so we will know for sure by then!

I am also out of the poor-me-I-feel-so-crappy phase and into the let's-get-this-party-started phase. I like this phase much better. My house isn't a total wreck all of the time, I started reading again, I have ventured into the land of cake decorating and I am learning A LOT, we are planting our garden hopefully this weekend! So many beautiful things on the horizon!!

So that's it for now folks! I am off to make "Aunt Laurla's" birthday cake, maybe do some sewing, finish my FHE board I started like a month ago, laundry, bills, dishes, cleaning;) You know the drill!!

1 comment:

The Kleyn Family said...

HOOOOOOORAY!!!!!!! Porter must have used every little prayer he had---it worked! Congrats to you all :) And congrats on the new phase ;)